Adam personally makes each glass piece you purchase, it will take 2-4 weeks to process your order before shipping. We ship UPS ground with tracking & will send an email conformation once your order has shipped. Thank you for your patience, it will be worth the wait for a finely made, one of a kind, custom glass fish.
Brown Trout: Handblown Glass Fish
Size Choices:
- Small (10-12") = $400
- Medium (14-16") = $600
- Large (18-20") = $800
Fun Fish Facts:
The brown trout has earned a reputation as the wariest and wiliest opponent a river angler can face. The larger specimens, especially, are often reclusive—hiding beneath a cutbank or hunkering near the bottom until darkness falls, and only then emerging to hunt baitfish. The current IGFA all-tackle record—a ludicrously fat 42-pound, 1-ounce slob—was caught by New Zealand angler Otwin Kandolf from Ohau Canal in March 2013.